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Analysis of ISO45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Standard


nBackground and development of ISO45001:2018 standard
Interpretation of standard structure and main terms
Risk assessment and control strategy
Key elements of occupational health and safety management
Methods of implementing and operating occupational health and safety management system
Internal audit and continuous improvement mechanism
Management review and its importance

Recommended reference:

Strategic level: group general manager, company general manager and president director level.

Operation layer: factory general manager, factory operation manager, person in charge of equipment management, person in charge of logistics management, person in charge of production management, person in charge of process management, person in charge of quality management, person in charge of human resource management and person in charge of EHS function.

Executive layer: EHS manager, EHS engineer, equipment professionals, maintenance professionals, logistics professionals, pre-manufacturing professionals and production supervisors.

EHS:EHS engineer, safety officer, CFT, EHS:ERT


Understand the core requirements of ISO45001:2018 and its impact on the organization.
Master how to identify and evaluate occupational health and safety risks.
Learn to establish and maintain an occupational health and safety management system that meets the requirements of ISO45001:2018.
Cultivate the ability of internal auditors to ensure the effectiveness and compliance of the system.
Improve the overall occupational health and safety management level of the organization and promote the well-being of employees.

Training time and content:

2c6a5b8ff2203dafdba454e52817b1c.pngTime: 2 days in total (9: 00 a.m.-5: 00 p.m.)

2c6a5b8ff2203dafdba454e52817b1c.pngAddress: Suzhou Training Center

2c6a5b8ff2203dafdba454e52817b1c.pngHotline: 400-881-6062 9: 00-17: 00 Monday to Friday.



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